(RU) В нашей школе стартовала декада узбекского языка! И первым событием в рамках этой декады стала встреча с известной поэтессой Кавсар Турдиевой. Дети с трепетом слушали её автобиографию, рассказанную на …
(RU) Вы только посмотрите, как наша школьная семья крепнет с каждым днем! Недавно старшеклассники New Tone school провели для малышей из 1-2 классов экскурсию в ботаническом саду. Ребята приложили массу …
(EN) The week of chemistry and physics has started at school! Our 8th graders plunged into the wonderful world of acids, but in an unusual environment — in the chemical …
(EN) Our high school students visited the Civil Defense Institute. This provided them with valuable experience and knowledge on how to act properly in emergency situations such as fires, earthquakes, …
(EN) The week of biology and healthy lifestyle in our school was rich and interesting. We would like to summarize the results. We held various activities where children were able …
(EN) Geography Week is in full swing! And yesterday our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students visited the Globus Children’s Science Center as part of their science and geography lessons. …