(EN) Today our guys went on a tour of the monuments of modern architecture and architecture of the late 19th and early 20th century. The tour began with a visit to …
(EN) We saved for the "dessert" news about how the Newtonians went to conquer London during the autumn holidays. 11 days spent in the capital of Great Britain left an indelible …
(EN) It was such a busy week that we completely forgot to tell how our 6-8 grades visited one of the oldest cities-museums in the country - Bukhara. The guys …
(EN) Two interesting events took place at once in the school life of Newtonians on the weekend. Firstly, the final competition "Happy Starts" among the first grades took place. The first …
(EN) We have looked at Tashkent from a new height: we took a ride with a breeze and little rain on double-decker buses. The excursion trip has turned out to …
(EN) Visiting the Tashkent Botanical Garden gave to the New Tone gymnasium pupils a huge impression that will surely accompany them always throughout their lives in the form of vivid …
(EN) Yesterday, on the International Day for the Protection of Animals, the fifth grade pupils visited four-legged friends - homeless dogs at the Mehr shelter. Representatives of the Mehr va …
В субботу прошло совсем не праздничное мероприятие. Побывали в приюте для бездомных собак «ХАЁТ». Мы уже не раз говорили: внешкольные, «не учебные» мероприятия NewTone — это совсем не просто так, …