(EN) The first eleventh: a successful start to a great journey after New Tone school The previous academic year was a milestone year for New Tone School: the first Year …
(RU) Навруз- любимый праздник в нашей школе! В преддверии праздника мы устроили настоящую сумаляк пати, на которой варили сумаляк, танцевали и ели угощения. А после мы отпраздновали Навруз — яркий …
(EN) The week of chemistry and physics has started at school! Our 8th graders plunged into the wonderful world of acids, but in an unusual environment — in the chemical …
(EN) There were many interesting events at our school during geography week. Pupils of 1-2 grades visited the planetarium. It was very informative, the children were able to expand their …
(EN) There were many interesting events at our school during geography week. Pupils of 1-2 grades visited the planetarium. It was very informative, the children were able to expand their …
(EN) Our school hosted a chess tournament among parents! The competition was so intense and interesting that it left unforgettable impressions. All participants of the tournament played wonderfully and showed …
Вопрос о правильном воспитании детей не имеет единственного и правильного ответа. Он зависит от многих факторов, включая индивидуальные особенности ребенка, семейные ценности, окружающую среду. Сегодняшняя онлайн-встреча «Мужской клуб» была отличной …
(EN) We would like to share some wonderful news. The children of our school participated in the Republican recitation contest «Sheriyat Bustoni». They demonstrated excellent skill of reciting poems in …
(EN) «We planned to perform with a different cast, but it so happened that the participants got sick… We had to call children from other classes,» says Shoakhmedova Jamilya, a …
(EN) Did you know that our school has a professional basketball club for all ages? Our club gives students the opportunity to develop their sports skills, learn to work in …