(EN) Uzbek Language Week at New Tone! Uzbek Language Week is a special event at our school that allows everyone to immerse themselves in Uzbek culture and learn the language …
(EN) Yesterday we had a self-governance day at our school, an annual event before Teacher's Day. High school students prepared lessons for the younger grades and parents, and took a …
(EN) At the end of the week, we hosted the TED talks 2023 event in English, in which children from grades 3 to 10 took part. TED is already a …
(EN) Yesterday, New Tone took part in an environmental race “plogging” to mark World Environment Day. Plogging is a unique event that combines running and caring for the environment. We, …
(EN) The school-wide project "My Family" is a collection of family photos that children decorated as they wished. True photo exhibition is displayed within the walls of the school! The …
(EN) In February, we celebrate birthdays of the great representaves of Uzbek literature - Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur. On this occasion, the students of our school decided to …
(EN) Here comes the end of 2022. It is is important to sum up the results and make plans for the new coming year. For us, this year has been …
(EN) For the second year in a row, we held the Russian Language competition at our school. Pupils and teachers write a school dictation in Russian language To make a …
(EN) The Autumn Carnival took place at New Tone on the 28th of October. All teachers and pupils had a lot of fun that day. The Real Quest was organised …
(EN) June is in full swing and the kids continue learning their subjects of interest in a new format. The application of knowledge in practice is most useful and informative. One …